S. M. der Kaiser von Russland und S. H. der Czarewitsch nehmen die ihnen zu Ehre veranstaltete Parade in Krasnoe-Selo ab [Archivtitel]
Genre: Short film / Documentary film
Year: 191?
Runtime: 05:04 min
Description: The footage shows Russian Tsar Nicholas II and his son Alexei attending a military parade in Krasnoye Selo, which is now part of St. Petersburg. Russian Orthodox clergy also participate in the ceremony.
Keywords: EFG1914 / Erster Weltkrieg / 1. Weltkrieg / First World War / World War One / WWI / WW1 / World War I
Provider: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Rights: In Copyright
Document type:
Language: de